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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (for Nintendo Switch) Review

Jun 08, 2024Jun 08, 2024

Omega Force’s Warriors (or Musou, if you prefer) games are fun, lengthy action romps where you “command” an army to fight another army mostly by running around as a very powerful fighter and tearing through countless enemies. It’s a popcorn series, easy to snack on and not too heavy, which is why it translates so well into other properties outside of the Three Kingdoms period in China and the Warring States period in Japan. The Legend of Zelda got two Warriors games (four, if you count all platforms and editions separately) with Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Persona 5 got a side-sequel with Musou-like action with Persona 5 Strikers. And Fire Emblem even got its own Musou game with Fire Emblem Warriors, a near-launch title for the Nintendo Switch.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes ($59.99) for the Switch does for the main-series game Fire Emblem: Three Houses what Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity did for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It’s an alternate telling of the story of Three Houses, with a slightly different perspective. It focuses on the most recent Fire Emblem game instead of attempting to be a paean to the entire series like Fire Emblem Warriors (and Hyrule Warriors, for the Zelda games) did, and it succeeds. Both Musou and Fire Emblem are acquired tastes, but if either of them appeal to you, you’ll probably enjoy Three Hopes.

Three Hopes starts just like Three Houses did, with a mercenary running into trouble and then assisting the three young leaders of the three houses of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery in the middle of the Fodlan continent. This time, however, the trouble is Byleth, the protagonist of Three Houses, who seems much more dangerous than at the start of that game. To make the parallels even more clear, Shez (your mercenary character) is saved from a mortal blow by a mysterious presence, just like what happened to Byleth in the previous game.

Like Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is less a sequel or side story to its predecessor and more an alternate saga. This time Byleth doesn’t join the Officers Academy as a teacher, but Shez is instead invited to attend as a student. It gets complicated and stranger from there, especially since you eventually must make the same choice Byleth did in Three Houses and side with one of those three nobles in an impending conflict that will engulf the continent.

It’s a much more involved and engaging story than the simple “Fire Emblem characters pop out of portals to fight” scenario of the first Fire Emblem Warriors. Without knowing that this is an alternative story to Three Houses, one could easily believe that this is a new, complete, standalone story in the Fire Emblem series without any contrivances to fit the mechanics. It helps that all of the characters are fun and charismatic in their own ways. It's also clear they were written to interact with each other in this sort of story, and aren’t simply the biggest figures in their respective games pulled into one big jumble.

The game is divided into chapters, with each chapter covering the region of Fodlan the story takes place in. The region is shown as a tactical map, with several different zones between your camp and the target area. Each zone has its own mission, and completing that mission takes over that area and turns it from red to blue. You only need to blaze a path to your target each chapter, but there are rewards for completing every zone, since each one has a handful of surveying spots that provide resources when you take over that area, along with other bonuses like smaller side quests that provide rewards.

Between each mission, you can visit your camp where you can engage in a number of activities to improve your characters’ stats, collect more resources, and simply get to know your characters better. A big chunk of the game takes place in this interstitial period before and after fights, and you need to dig into several mechanics here to get the most out of everyone in your army.

There are shops where you can buy equipment and items (including gifts to give to characters), cooking ingredients, seals for unlocking classes, and equipment. Giving the right equipment to the right character makes them like Shez more and can improve their compatibility in battle. These relationships upgrade in steps with support conversations, little cutscenes that flesh out each character’s history and personality. Different characters can also grow closer to each other as they fight together, and if they eat together or perform chores together at the camp.

Those meals and chores require spending activity points, of which a limited number is granted each chapter (though you can get additional points performing tasks throughout the chapter as well). Chores don’t require any resources, but have the potential to give you rare items. Meals need food to prepare, which can be bought at the camp or collected in quests or by your supply master between quests, and provide useful buffs for the duration of the chapter. These activities involve two other characters you choose, with different affinities for different meals and chores.

If that isn’t enough, you can also spend activity points to go on expeditions with individual characters, which involves a pleasant ride to a location (in a cutscene) and then a conversational quiz where you can improve your relationship by giving their preferred responses.

Each chapter you get an equal number of training points, which can be used with the training master. Training sessions let you assign pairs of characters together to gain experience for their given classes, which is separate from their character levels and unlocks new skills and higher tier classes. This also lets them grow closer, and it's helpful if you want to unlock new classes without grinding to improve lower tier ones in missions. The training master also lets you level up your characters by spending gold, which is helpful if you have some you want to use in a fight but haven’t seen combat for a few chapters. You can only train up to the level of your highest character, and it is expensive.

Then there’s equipment. Each class has preferred weapon types, and each weapon has a letter grade, a star rating, a forge level, and up to two traits. These characteristics can drastically affect a character’s effectiveness in battle, and keeping them equipped with the best gear is important. You can also improve weapons at the blacksmith, spending resources and gold to increase their might (the amount of damage they can inflict) and durability (how many times their skills can be used). It gets surprisingly complicated, since each weapon has a maximum number of upgrades it can accept, but you can reforge weapons to increase that number or to bump them up a letter grade. Also, you can repair rusted weapons you find on the battlefield to get weapons with random forge levels and star ratings, and even unlock unique abilities on certain rare weapons.

You can’t do everything at every facility when you start, though. These different facilities need to be built and upgraded with resources you find each chapter, or exchange smithing stones for at the supply master. Your blacksmith can only handle D-rank weapons at first, but can eventually work with A-rank ones. Your training master can only train a few pairs at once, but can eventually work with 20 members of your army at a time.

All of these different mechanics can feel overly complex, and even frustrating to keep track of as you play. It gets rewarding as you upgrade your camp and keep your favorite characters powerful, though.

All of that complexity is present without even diving into the combat itself. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a Musou (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors) game at heart, and that means running around battlefields slicing through hundreds of enemy soldiers to complete objectives. Every mission follows this format, switching from peaceful character interaction and camp development to third-person hack-and-slash action against entire armies.

If you’ve played a Musou game before, including either Hyrule Warriors games or the previous Fire Emblem Warriors, Three Hopes’ action will feel familiar. The X and Y buttons perform strong and light attacks that can be chained together into combos, the B button performs a dodge roll, and the left trigger blocks incoming attacks.

These are the basic building blocks of the series, and Three Hopes layers plenty more on top of that. Various gauges fill up as you fight, including the Warrior gauge that lets you perform an incredibly powerful attack and an Awakening gauge that lets you power up for a short period of time to tear through enemies. Your weapon also has a durability number that serves as a skill point system. You can equip two different skills when you fight and trigger them by holding the left bumper and pressing X or Y. The skills are useful and varied, and each has a cooldown period and a durability cost. When you run out of durability you can still fight normally, but you can’t activate those skills.

That all might sound easy to follow, and it certainly flows well in combat, but adding the customization options and character progression you unlock between missions on top of the battle mechanics adds an incredible amount of variability in how you fight. Characters can set a specific class, with some choices better suiting their affinities and stats. These different classes have different combos and skills, and largely feel distinct from each other (though higher-tier classes in the same branch of the progression tree will generally feel similar), like different characters or weapons in the Hyrule Warriors games. These classes and the weapons they use also feed into Fire Emblem’s rock-paper-scissors match-up system (swords beat axes, axes beat lances, lances beat swords, and arrows completely wreck pegasi and wyverns).

You can also mix and match your combat skills and your passive abilities, the latter of which unlock as you master different classes. If you want to neutralize a particular weapon weakness against your class, or you want to collect rare items more easily, or you want to be knocked back by hard hits less often, there’s a skill you can equip.

Enemy foot soldiers are meant to be little more than distractions, and you can easily cut down dozens in seconds. There are also more powerful enemy units with the same variety of classes as your own characters, and they can be more challenging. There are also commanders, who are close to equal to your playable warriors in stats and abilities. Mowing down foot soldiers is just satisfying fun. Beating class-identified units has visible effects on the battlefield and lets your own forces progress without getting waylaid or endangered. And the commanders are the big, challenging targets you eventually have to focus on.

Sometimes a giant monster can appear during a mission, and each time it feels very out of place. These monsters are usually more powerful than commanders and have multiple health bars you have to drain, so they can be fun to fight for variety. They feel extremely incongruous with the game’s overall tone and narrative, though. The vast majority of the game focuses on clashes between armies, so having a mysterious character appear and summon a big beast to fight just isn’t in line with the rest of the game’s story. It doesn’t help that some of the more fantastical elements of the narrative are effectively hidden behind specific and obscure requirements in certain missions, and you might miss even those bits of context the first time you play.

Each mission lets you choose up to four playable characters to deploy, and sometimes four more that you can command to run around the map but not control directly. Since these maps can be fairly large with multiple bases and characters to protect or attack, managing your warriors is vital. At any point, you can pause the game and look at a map of the battlefield, then assign your characters to protect a point or run around to flank an enemy position. They will go after their objectives on their own while you fight, and you can switch between the playable warriors by pressing up or down on the direction buttons. You can also give orders to the fighters you can’t play as, though if they get in trouble you can’t just jump into them to win the fight; you need to actually get a controllable character over there.

If you want some backup as you fight, or want to shore up some weaknesses in your forces, or simply improve their relationships, you can assign any character to another as an adjutant. This makes that character disappear while assigned, but they provide buffs to the other fighter, and make their warrior attacks even stronger because it’s two fighters striking together. Fighting like this also makes them grow closer.

As a series, Fire Emblem is known for being challenging partly because of its permanent deaths. Unless you play in the casual mode of a game, your units will die when they’re defeated in battle, and you won’t be able to use them for the rest of the campaign. That choice is available in Three Hopes as well, along with a separate difficulty setting that determines how strong enemies can be. Whether you risk losing your characters each mission is up to you.

While there is some variety in how they’re laid out, each mission will generally follow a similar structure with specific and familiar objectives. Usually you’ll have to capture a stronghold or set of strongholds by defeating the commander in each one, or beat specific enemy units, or rescue vulnerable units who are under attack. When you accomplish your objective, you’ll get another one, and so on until the mission is complete or the enemy commander appears (who you have to defeat to complete the mission).

Side objectives can also appear, which can influence how the mission will progress but aren’t strictly necessary themselves. Killing a courier before they can reach a point on the map can prevent reinforcements from appearing, or saving a commoner from enemies can turn them into a powerful unit who will fight alongside you for the mission.

How these objectives are laid out on the map and what your forces and the enemy forces look like can add tension and challenge, but typically you’ll be charged with completing very similar tasks, over and over again. It can eventually get repetitive, but the diverse combat mechanics and extensive character progression and customization keeps the game engaging. The primary mission at the end of each chapter tends to be the longest and have the most variety, including using different strategy options you unlock through the chapter to let you recruit certain enemy commanders or open up new paths in the map.

The game’s graphics are about what you would expect from a Switch-bound Musou game, and is comparable with either of the Hyrule Warriors games. It looks nice, but it doesn’t do anything particularly impressive in terms of effects, detail, or scope outside of having a few dozen enemy soldiers on the screen at once. Its color palette is also a bit muted compared with Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition, looking a bit undersaturated even on the OLED Switch.

While there are many different maps in the game, most feel very similar with the same field, castle, and town elements mixed and matched together. Each battlefield starts to bleed together into a same-y formula of square-shaped strongholds to capture and connecting corridors in the form of streets, paths, and hallways.

Performance is fairly consistent, probably because the game tends to limit enemy forces to a few dozen foot soldiers in view instead of a few hundred. It doesn’t even attempt 60 frames per second on the Switch’s hardware, but it stays close to 30 fps except in very frantic fights, unlike past Switch Musou games which offered quality and performance options. Temper your expectations, but it shouldn’t chug too much.

It can take between 8 and 12 hours to beat the game’s story. Since that story branches into three different paths after the prologue, you can triple that number if you want to totally complete the game. The structure in and out of battle is the same for each path, but there are different story beats, missions, and a completely different roster of warriors to fight with. Of course, since those warriors have access to the same classes in all three campaigns, whether there’s enough variety to justify playing all three campaigns will depend on how much you like the characters.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a hack-and-slash twist on the excellent Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and it succeeds at that. Its combat is standard for a Musou game but has enough depth and variety to satisfy fans of the genre, and its character interactions are just as charming as they are in Three Houses. It’s not quite a retelling of the strategy game, and it isn’t a full sequel with its own unique format like Persona 5 Strikers, but it hits all of the right beats to properly represent both Fire Emblem and Musou games. This is an acquired taste, just like Hyrule Warriors and Persona 5 Strikers, but if you’re familiar with where Three Hopes is coming from you’ll probably get a lot out of it.

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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes takes the story of Three Houses, tweaks it, and turns it into a satisfying Musou-style action game.

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