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157+ Hard Would You Rather Questions for Deep Conversation

Jul 23, 2023Jul 23, 2023

No party is complete without some hard Would You Rather questions. Like Truth or Dare, it’s a great game! It gets interesting conversations going. And it’s a great way to get to know people you’ve just met. Additionally, it can be a great to get to know your friends better as well!

Here are some great Would You Rather questions for a night in, divided by categories for different occasions.

When planning a double date or bachelorette gal-pal night, it’s always good to have some adult Would You Rather questions in your back pocket.

Would you rather…

1. Only be able to pick people up in bars or only be able to meet them on dating apps?

2. Find a partner who’s obsessed with video games or obsessed with baseball?

3. Get $50,000 a year for the rest of your life and never be able to drink alcohol again or have the ability to drink?

4. Only be able to party on Tuesdays or wake up with a hangover after every outing, regardless if you drank or not?

5. Date someone who doesn’t want kids or someone who is allergic to animals?

6. Only be able to rent apartments for the rest of your life or have a house that constantly needs renovation?

7. Never have to pay taxes or never pay for food?

8. Date someone of the opposite political party or date someone who never does chores or housework?

9. Only be able to communicate through email or by calling?

10. Never be able to use social media or be an influencer full time?

11. Get paid 5% more but only be paid once a month or get paid weekly?

12. Be a bad kisser or a sweaty hand-holder?

13. Would you rather always have to speak your mind or never be able to voice your opinion?

14. Would you rather have the ability to time travel but never be able to change the past or see into the future but be unable to change it?

15. Would you rather always have to wear formal attire or always dress casually, regardless of the occasion?

16. Would you rather have the ability to speak all languages fluently or be a master at every musical instrument?

17. Would you rather have the power to control minds but always know when it’s being used on you or be able to read everyone’s thoughts but never share your own?

18. Would you rather live without internet access or without air conditioning and heating?

19. Would you rather have the power of invisibility but you can only use it when no one is around or have the ability to fly, but only at a maximum speed of 10 miles per hour?

20. Would you rather always be 20 minutes late or always arrive 20 minutes early?

21. Would you rather have the ability to instantly become an expert in any subject, but you forget all your existing knowledge, or retain all your knowledge but never be able to learn anything new?

22. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room but have everyone forget your jokes instantly or always be able to make others laugh, but you can never remember the punchlines yourself?

23. Would you rather have the ability to cure any illness but take on the pain of the person you’re curing or have the power to heal emotional wounds but suffer from the same emotional pain as the person you’re helping?

24. Would you rather have the ability to teleport but every time you do, you age twice as fast or have the power to stop time, but you can never resume it?

25. Would you rather have a high-paying job that you hate or a fulfilling job that pays just enough to get by?

26. Would you rather have the power to detect lies but be unable to keep the truth from others or always be able to lie convincingly but never know when someone else is lying to you?

27. Would you rather have the ability to eat anything you want without gaining weight or have perfect health with no chance of ever getting sick?

28. Would you rather have the ability to instantly become an expert chef but never be able to taste your own cooking or have the sense of taste but be a terrible cook?

29. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals but have no human friends or be popular with humans but unable to connect with animals?

30. Would you rather have the power to bring back loved ones who have passed away, but you lose a year of your own life each time, or have the ability to time travel but only witness events and not interact with anyone?

31. Would you rather always know the truth about everything but be unable to share it or never know the truth about anything but be a great storyteller?

32. Would you rather have the power to control the weather but not be able to control the temperature or be able to control the temperature but not have any impact on the weather conditions?

33. Would you rather have the ability to erase your past and start over with a clean slate or see a detailed preview of your future, including all the ups and downs?

34. Would you rather be an extremely talented artist but never gain recognition or be a famous artist but have your work constantly criticized?

35. Would you rather have the ability to never feel physical pain or never experience emotional pain?

36. Would you rather have the power to bring world peace but erase all your personal memories or keep your memories but never have the power to influence global events?

37. Would you rather have the ability to become the best at any sport you try but only for one day or be an above-average athlete for the rest of your life?

Some of the best hard Would You Rather questions are the classic ones. Not sure how to start the party? Lots of people you’ve not met before? Here are some of the best Would You Rather questions to go with.

Would you rather…

38. Only be able to watch comedies or only be able to watch dramas?

39. Go to space or explore Marianna’s Trench?

40. Live in a world with no dogs or live in a world with no cats?

41. Be on SNL or be in a Beyoncé music video?

42. Win the lottery or find your true love?

43. Be a talented artist or successful lawyer?

44. Have 10 tattoos or 10 piercings?

45. Eat only spicy foods or sweet foods?

46. Date a movie star or a pop star?

47. Only eat meat or only eat vegetables for the rest of your life?

48. Voice a Disney princess/prince or be an Avenger?

49. Work from home but work an extra 10 hours a week or work in an office?

50. Would you rather have the ability to travel back in time and fix your past mistakes or see into the future and know your destiny?

51. Would you rather have the power to read minds but be unable to control it or have the ability to be invisible but only when no one is looking at you?

52. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells the truth all the time or in a world where everyone’s thoughts are projected as speech bubbles above their heads?

53. Would you rather have the ability to fly but only at a maximum speed of 5 mph or have super strength but only when you are half your normal size?

54. Would you rather have the power to heal any physical injury but take on the injury yourself or have the power to heal any emotional pain but feel the pain of others as well?

55. Would you rather always have to speak in rhymes or always have to speak in riddles?

56. Would you rather have the ability to speak with animals but never be able to communicate with humans or be able to understand all languages but never be able to speak them?

57. Would you rather have the power to control the weather but be unable to control the temperature or have the ability to control the temperature but not have any impact on the weather conditions?

58. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible but only when you are completely naked or have the ability to teleport but only to places you have previously visited?

59. Would you rather have the power to control fire but be unable to control water or have the ability to control water but be unable to control fire?

60. Would you rather have the ability to read people’s thoughts but have everyone be able to read your thoughts as well or have the ability to see into the future but be unable to change it?

61. Would you rather have the power to cure all diseases but never be able to cure your own? Or would you rahter have the ability to cure your own diseases but be unable to help others?

62. Would you rather have the ability to speak to the dead but be haunted by their presence or have the power to communicate with extraterrestrial beings but be unable to share their messages with anyone?

63. Would you rather be able to have any superpower you want for 24 hours but never be able to use it again or have a mediocre superpower that you can use anytime you want?

64. Would you rather have the power to make everyone in the world like you but never be able to have a close, intimate relationship or have the power to have deep, meaningful connections with people but have some people dislike you?

65. Would you rather have the ability to be incredibly lucky in all aspects of life but lose all your memories every year or have the power to remember everything perfectly but never experience extraordinary luck?

66. Would you rather have the ability to communicate with trees and plants but be unable to eat any plant-based food or have the power to talk to animals but be unable to have any human friends?

67. Would you rather have the power to become invisible but only when you are experiencing extreme fear or have the ability to teleport but only when you are feeling intense joy?

68. Would you rather have the ability to stop time but age twice as fast while time is stopped or have the power to reverse time but not be able to remember anything that happened after the reversal?

69. Would you rather have the power to control your dreams and have lucid dreams every night but suffer from insomnia in real life or have the power to never dream but have restful sleep every night?

70. Would you rather have the ability to create any food or drink you desire but it disappears after one hour or have the power to duplicate any food or drink but only eat or drink the duplicate?

71. Would you rather have the power to make anyone fall in love with you but only for one day or have the ability to instantly gain any skill or talent but lose it after one week?

72. Would you rather have the power to change your appearance at will but never be able to return to your original form or have the ability to become invisible but only when you are underwater?

73. Would you rather have the ability to speak and understand every language in the world but be unable to speak your native language or have the power to speak and understand only your native language but never learn any other language?

74. Would you rather have the power to control gravity and fly anywhere you want but never be able to land or have the ability to breathe underwater and explore the depths of the ocean but be unable to survive on land?

Whether you’ve been hanging with your BFF for 20 years or are just getting close to some new friends, it’s fun to break the ice with some weird prompts. Here are some hard Would You Rather questions that are a little strange.

Would you rather…

75. Never get another paper cut or never get anything stuck in your teeth for the rest of your life?

76. Never have slow internet or never lose a set of keys again?

77. Only be able to wear clothes that are one size too small or exclusively wear sweatpants, regardless of the occasion?

78. Think sausages taste like ice cream or think ice cream tastes like sausages?

79. Lose the ability to tell the difference between a puppy and a baby?

80. Bark when you get excited or scratch your head with your leg like a dog?

81. Have two left hands or two left feet?

82. Be the only person in the world people find attractive or not be attractive at all?

83. Be able to communicate with animals or communicate with the dead?

84. Be tickled for one whole day, for the rest of your life to never be tickled again, or be tickled unexpectedly?

85. Be lactose intolerant or have a wheat intolerance?

86. Laugh at random times or never be able to laugh at all?

87. Would you rather have a constantly itchy nose or always feel like you have a hair in your mouth?

88. Would you rather have a talking pet that constantly insults you or a pet that always spills your secrets to others?

89. Would you rather have the ability to see through walls but only when you close your eyes or have the power to hear people’s thoughts, but only in a language you don’t understand?

90. Would you rather have a third eye on the back of your head or a second mouth on your forehead?

91. Would you rather always feel like you have a spider crawling on you or constantly hear faint circus music playing in the background?

92. Would you rather have the ability to teleport but every time you do, you have a random body part switch places with an animal’s body part or have the power to fly but only when you are wearing a chicken costume?

93. Would you rather have the power to summon glitter at will but it sticks to everything you touch or have the ability to make any food taste like your least favorite food?

94. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future but have no control over when it happens or be able to see 100 years into the future but only once in your lifetime?

95. Would you rather have a magical talking hat that constantly gives you unsolicited fashion advice or a pair of shoes that force you to dance uncontrollably at random times?

96. Would you rather have the ability to communicate with plants, but they gossip about you to other plants or be able to understand all animal languages, but animals only talk about their bowel movements?

97. Would you rather have the power to turn invisible but only when someone is looking directly at you or have the ability to levitate but only when you are underwater?

98. Would you rather have the power to control electronics with your mind but all your electronics are permanently stuck on full volume or be able to control the weather but only for five minutes every year?

99. Would you rather have the ability to teleport, but every time you do, you swap clothes with a random person somewhere else in the world or have the power to time travel, but you can only go back to mundane moments from your past, like brushing your teeth or tying your shoes?

100. Would you rather have a clone of yourself with a different personality but always share your thoughts or have a clone with the same personality but never be able to read each other’s minds?

101. Would you rather have the power to instantly learn any skill or talent but forget a random fact from your life every time you do or have the ability to communicate with animals but only when they are asleep?

102. Would you rather have the ability to change the color of your hair at will but always have a neon glow or be able to change your eye color, but it changes randomly every hour?

103. Would you rather have the power to control the speed of time but be unable to control your own aging or have the ability to control the size of objects but shrink or enlarge with them?

104. Would you rather have the power to control the actions of inanimate objects but always attract lightning whenever you use it or have the ability to communicate with ghosts but they constantly prank you?

105. Would you rather have the ability to turn any liquid into a beverage of your choice but always get hiccups afterward or be able to talk to any plant, but they constantly complain about their soil and sunlight conditions?

106. Would you rather have the power to change your voice to sound like anyone but never be able to sing again or be able to understand all animal languages but only when you are underwater?

107. Would you rather have a personal cloud that follows you everywhere and rains on you at random times or a talking mirror that constantly criticizes your outfit choices?

108. Would you rather have a head that is twice the size of your body or legs that are half the size of your body?

109. Would you rather always have a cat following you, repeating everything you say or always have a parrot following you, meowing like a cat?

110. Would you rather have the ability to control the temperature of any room but never be able to feel temperature changes yourself or have the power to make plants grow instantly but every time you do, a random object in your home vanishes?

111. Would you rather have the power to understand what animals are saying but be unable to speak or write, or have the ability to speak any language fluently but lose the ability to understand your native language?

Hanging out with your fellow nerds? It’s good to have some hard Would You Rather questions that true geeks would love! Here are some great questions for people who can’t get enough of Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and more!

Would you rather…

112. Get a letter from Hogwarts or become a padawan?

113. Only be able to watch Harry Potter or Star Wars for the rest of your life?

114. Have an Ewok or a porg as a pet?

115. Watch the lost Dr. Who episodes or see the last six Harry Potter movies?

116. Have the ability to speak in Klingon or Tolkien Elvish?

117. Meet the 10th or the 13th Doctor?

118. Care for Grogu or the Chosen One?

119. Find the sword of Gryffindor or the lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw?

120. Hang out with Rachel Green or Blair Waldorf?

121. Embark on the Starship Enterprise or sail the seven seas on the Black Pearl?

122. Be in a DC or Marvel movie?

123. Never be able to watch anime or only be able to watch anime?

124. Would you rather have the power to control time like Doctor Strange or have the ability to travel through space like the Doctor?

125. Would you rather have the intelligence of Tony Stark (Iron Man) but be unable to build anything or have the technical skills of Bruce Wayne (Batman) but lack the financial resources?

126. Would you rather be a skilled wizard but live in the Muggle world or be a Muggle-born witch or wizard but attend a non-magical school?

127. Would you rather be a Jedi master but have to follow the Jedi code strictly or be a Sith lord but always face the risk of betrayal by your apprentices?

128. Would you rather have the knowledge of all programming languages but only be able to program in binary or be a master hacker but constantly be hunted by cybersecurity agencies?

129. Would you rather live in the world of Harry Potter but be a Squib (non-magical born into a magical family) or live in the world of Star Wars but be a regular civilian?

130. Would you rather have the ability to speak and understand all alien languages like Star Trek’s Universal Translator or have a Babel fish from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that instantly translates all languages in your ear?

131. Would you rather have a lightsaber like a Jedi but be unable to use the Force or have the ability to use the Force but wield a basic blaster instead?

132. Would you rather be able to explore the vast universe on the USS Enterprise but never set foot on Earth again or have a TARDIS like Doctor Who but never be able to visit any other planets?

133. Would you rather live in a world where all mythical creatures exist but are hidden from the public eye or live in a world without any magic but advanced technology like Cyberpunk 2077?

134. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible like Frodo’s ring but only for 5 minutes a day or have the One Ring’s power but constantly hear whispers in your mind?

135. Would you rather attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry but have to live with the Dursleys during the summer or be a student at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters but constantly face mutant prejudice?

136. Would you rather have the intelligence and scientific knowledge of Rick from Rick and Morty but be an alcoholic or have the intelligence and inventiveness of MacGyver but always find yourself in dangerous situations?

137. Would you rather have the physical prowess of a Vulcan but lack emotions or be a Time Lord like the Doctor but have to regenerate every 100 years?

138. Would you rather have a fully functional Iron Man suit but be unable to reveal your identity or have a Green Lantern ring but only be able to use it for a limited time each day?

139. Would you rather be a Pokémon trainer but only have one Pokémon that can’t evolve or be a Digimon tamer but have to deal with constant digital threats?

140. Would you rather be a member of the Justice League but have to follow Superman’s orders or be part of the Avengers but always be overshadowed by Iron Man’s tech brilliance?

141. Would you rather be an expert in potion-making like Snape but smell like his Potions classroom or be a master of spells like Hermione but be unable to pronounce the spells correctly?

142. Would you rather have a Holodeck like in Star Trek but it can only recreate real-world locations or have a DeLorean time machine like Back to the Future but be unable to travel to the future?

143. Would you rather be a powerful bender like Avatar Aang but only able to bend one element or be a skilled Alchemist like Edward Elric but unable to use alchemy without a transmutation circle?

144. Would you rather have the genius intellect of Sherlock Holmes but struggle with social interactions or have the extraordinary deduction skills of Batman but lack detective gadgets?

145. Would you rather live in a world with realistic virtual reality like in Ready Player One but always risk becoming addicted or have access to a neural jack like in The Matrix but risk being trapped in a simulated world?

146. Would you rather have the ability to communicate with aliens like Arrival’s Louise Banks but constantly experience nonlinear time or have the linguistic skills of Star Trek’s Hoshi Sato but forget your native language?

147. Would you rather be a Pokémon Professor like Professor Oak but have to choose only one starter Pokémon or be a Pokémon Gym Leader but always lose to aspiring Trainers?

148. Would you rather have the knowledge of all scientific discoveries in the universe but be unable to share them or have the power of the Force like a Jedi but be forbidden from using it for personal gain?

Parents need to have some fun on a night out, too! If you’re spending time with friends who are also parents, here are some hard Would You Rather questions for your hangouts.

Would you rather…

149. Your kids always ate their vegetables or always slept through the night?

150. Your kids were in charge of brushing your teeth or brushing your hair?

151. Get one night a week to yourself or one morning a week to yourself?

152. Have a personal driver or personal chef?

153. Never have to do laundry or never have to do dishes?

154. Go to a bunch of 4th grader orchestra concerts or a bunch of football games in the cold?

155. Go on a 12 hour car ride with your screaming kid or go on a 3 hour plane ride with your screaming kid?

156. Give your kids a Frozen music book with a recorder or a drum set?

157. Your kids come home with a hamster or a lizard and ask to keep it?

158. Your kids watch Paw Patrol the Movie or Spongebob: Sponge on the Run over and over again on repeat?

159. Have kids who always clean their room or always do their homework before 7pm?

160. Have “the talk” with your kid or watch silently as your partner has “the talk” with your kid?

Think of the game Would You Rather as an ice breaker. If you’re getting the crew ready for an evening out, trying out some hard Would You Rather questions will get you ready to party.

Make sure they always give a reason for their answer, because the explanation can reveal a lot about them. When you learn more about someone, you form a closer bond which will help you make memories to last a lifetime.

So whether you’re learning more about their favorite movies or preferences of fandoms, these Would You Rather questions will get the conversation going.

Do you have some favorite questions for this game? Share them with us in the comment section below!